The Pumpkin Bread Thing

Everyone has a thing. You know, that thing you’re really good at or enjoy doing. Sports may be your thing. Cooking, exercise, boating or even hanging with friends could be your thing. You hear people talk about theirs all the time. Sometimes you might even hear someone say “that’s not my thing”. Depending on the time of year or even time of day my thing could change.


I’ve decided this season my “thing” is baking Pumpkin Bread. A good friend shared this awesome pumpkin bread recipe with me and even though I can’t claim that I had anything to do with the recipe and how wonderful it taste, I’m still going to claim it as my thing because I love it. There are so many things to love about pumpkin bread. I love the way it makes the house smell. I love that I’m able to make two batches while Owen is napping in the morning and then by the time he wakes up I feel like I’ve been productive. I love how it can be made plain and is great for a breakfast bread or I can put chocolate chips in it and turn it into a treat. I love how my friend Kaeley and I made some and got to catch up while the smell filled the house.  Most of all, I love that it’s something that I can make and give away in hopes that it puts a smile on someone else’s face.


What’s funny about pumpkin bread being my thing is that if you know me, you know that baking is NOT a gift of mine. Boxed brownies never turn out for me and I even find the slice and bake cookies hard to make.

Because the pumpkin bread has given me so much joy, I have decided that my goal is to spread the love and make some for all my neighbors, friends and family this season. I hope it’s a little token to remind everyone how special they are and that they are loved. The responses I have received from others have been all over the board from excited because they were hungry, thankful for the thought, glad to have breakfast for their kids, and some just seemed really moved by the whole thing. I can’t take any credit for the pumpkin bread, I’m just the distributer but It’s been cool how God has taught me that even in a place where I feel like I have nothing to offer, he can use me. I’ve learned this season that God really does shine through even in the places where I would never think to look for him. I truly feel like God has a plan even for my pumpkin bread. Hopefully, it will make a day brighter or a hungry stomach happy.

A couple pictures of my little helper:-)

IMG_8199 IMG_8194


Owen got ahold of the flour

The Year of Change

Remember that one time I was going to start blogging and then a year and a half went by with no post? Well, I’m back in action! A lot has happened since my last post. Tom and I have been in 4 countries, started new jobs, bought our first house, moved to the wonderful state of Indiana, and best of all, had a baby.

This past March, God made us the happiest we have ever

My sweet boy:-)

My sweet boy:-)

been when he gave us our sweet baby boy, Owen Gregory Lernihan.

When moving to Indiana one thing we already knew was how much we would miss our friends and family we left in Chicago. The unknown of what life would be like in a new city kept our minds churning.  It didn’t take long for our house to feel like home and we have grown to love our new city of Westfield, Indiana. I can already say the friends we have made here this year are friends that we will have for a lifetime.
Our First Home!

Our First Home!

I’ve mostly decided to start back with LERNtwolive so that I will have the constant reminder as we live life in the Lernihan household, we will continue to remember that our God is number 1 and everything else falls into the number 2 slot (hence the blog title). Also, blogging is fun and I enjoy reading mommy blogs, doing DIY projects, etc. so here is my place to journal about the things I’m learning.
As I write this listening to my theme song of the day (Amazed by Phillips Craig &Dean) the only way that seems fit for me to end this is by saying… “Lord, I’m amazed by you”.